One thing that the whole world fears at and is facing at this point in time is COVID 19. It is a kind of Corona virus that affects the respiratory tract of human beings. It is a pandemic disease that is more people from almost all countries in this world is suffering and getting spread by this virus. It is a viral disease like flu and Ebola and the day by day the number of people getting affected by this disease is increasing.
Nowadays, it is so normal that anyone in your locality is affected by this virus and you can find literally more people around you have been hospitalized and given treatment. The thing is you need to be extremely careful while going out and buying things. Since the disease is spreading more among people easily through a variety of ways. It is good to check whether you as well as anyone in your family are showing any symptoms of this disease.
Getting treatment at the initial stage gives more chances for the individuals to get cured. So, admit to a hospital when you notice any symptoms of this COVID 19, it is good to contact the nearest hospital immediately. This way, you can get cured in a short time, and also, you will not spread your disease to anyone you are in contact with. But the thing is you need to know the symptoms of this novel corona virus.
You will show some symptoms of this virus, after 2 days to 2 weeks after the exposure and in the incubation period, you will show some symptoms like fever, tiredness, and cough. And the early symptoms of this disease are difficulty in breathing, aches in muscle, headache, chest pain, chills, and sore throat. Other than these symptoms, some other symptoms are also reported and they are nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Some people will show mild symptoms, others show severe symptoms, whereas, there as some individuals show no symptoms at all. These days, scientists are working hard to discover a medicine for this viral disease and they are now testing favipiravir intermediate, an antiviral drug that was discovered in Japan to treat influenza. When the result of this research is positive, then this medicine can be used to treat people with COVID 19.
Thus, the lives of millions of people can be saved and also can save this entire world from this pandemic.